Love Beyond by Ramesh Meyyappan

The Gaiety Theatre
Select a time to book
30 Aug
Price£12 to £18
Length 75 minutes

TICKETS: Premium: £18 | Standard: £15 | Economy: £12

Love Beyond is a love story. But not a typical one.

Harry has dementia. He also uses sign language. As he moves into a new home, he is accompanied by memories that dance like ghosts around him. Events from the past seem newly present; a visit from his wife rekindles their love – he imagines they are young and together again.

Harry’s carer provides him with some solace, but just as the determined nurse begins to learn Harry’s sign language, he begins to forget it, leaving him in a unique world where he must confront the only thing that remains – himself.

Love Beyond is a beautiful, tender and visually stunning show from renowned theatre artist Ramesh Meyyappan, directed by Matthew Lenton, in a co-production from Raw Material and Vanishing Point.

This show incorporates BSL, visual language (sign mime/visual vernacular) and oral dialogue. It intends to present an equal experience for d/Deaf audiences and hearing audiences.

Supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland.
Part of the Made in Scotland showcase 2024.

“Combines tremendous depths of emotion with sheer technical brilliance… which leads us straight into the surges of thought and emotion in Harry’s mind, that cannot be expressed in words.” – The Scotsman
“Passionate, powerful and poignant.” – Edinburgh Guide
“The staging is a piece of creative genius” – All Edinburgh Theatre

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