Support for artists

The Gaiety exists as a mechanism for bringing together artists and our community. From the start of the current phase of the theatre’s development in 2012, it’s therefore also been a place for artists to grow and develop. Many writers, designers, performers, creative engagement practitioners and other have found in The Gaiety a place to develop their ideas and talents. From the simple provision of space to our New Scottish Companies development programme and partnership with UWS, artists development has always been a priority.

Our future support for artists is dependent on funding to some extent, but we’ll always provide help if we can.  Any current opportunities or programmes for artists will appear on this page, along with examples of some of the support we have provided in the past. If you are looking for space or a way of developing your ideas, please get in touch with our Producer Mat Page, Artistic Director Vince Hope or Head of Creative Engagement, Jacquii Gavigan.